Study on Violence Prevention in the Educational Institution "Kindergarten"- Present Approaches and Development Possibilities
Duration: May 2007 - April 2008
Funding: European Commission (Daphne II program), Stadt Grenzach-Whylen
The project is phased in two parts: in the first phase the initial situation concerning prevention of violence and peace education in the domain of pedagogics of the early childhood (kindergarten, pre-school) has been comprised in the involved countries (Germany, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Italy). The evaluation includes the national analysis of each country (system, legislation, curricula) as well as the analysis of several day-care center. In conclusion of the project recommendations of proseedures were defined in order to create a multimodal program for prevention of violence and peace education.
The second phase (beginning in autumn 2008) is the implementation of the project that schedules on the target groups of child care worker/governesses, children, parents and support organizations in different day-care centers and will be implemented and evaluated in the participating countries.
Assistant lecturer:
Claudia Röser
Elisabeth Stehr
Fröhlich-Gildhoff, K., Wigger, A., Lecaplain, P., Svensson,O. & Stelmaszuk, Z.W. (2008). Professional support for violent young people. Results of a comparative European study. Freiburg: FEL.
Kraus-Gruner, G., Rönnau, M., Fröhlich-Gildhoff, K. & Füssinger, E. (2008). Violence Prevention in the Educational Institution „Kindergarten“ – Pre-study. Present approaches and Development Possibilities. Freiburg: FEL.